inlingua Basel

Other Languages

Basel speaks inlingua

Why language courses at inlingua Basel?

Whether you have always wanted to learn a world language, or are planning a dream trip right now, whether you are a beginner or have a good background, inlingua offers private lessons in some of the most beautiful languages in the world.
For one-to-one tuition, you can define the course dates flexibly. As with all other languages, we learn by speaking, but we not only learn to speak but also to write in a foreign script, to read, to speak, and to speak much about the culture through language.

What kind of courses?

Private courses, semi-private lessons, online learning with inlingua’s own “Virtual Classroom” platform or courses in your company – we have the courses you are looking for.

Which languages?

Whether German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Swiss German or …?, we have the right course for you.
Contact us so we can make you a tailored offer.

Do you know your current language level?

In order to organize a suitable course for you, we would like to determine your language level in advance. In this way, we guarantee a language level within a group that fits your level, or that serves as an ideal basis for private lessons.